Article 1: Name
The name of the organization is Society for Amateur Astronomers of Bangladesh, also known as SAAB.
Article 2: Regd. Office of the Society:
The registered office of the society shall remain in the National Capital Territory of Dhaka, and at present it is at the following address:
2/2/B-1, Arambagh, Eden Complex (2nd Floor)
Article 3: Objective
- To promote and encourage the science of astronomy, astronomical research and observations.
- To promote the association of observers, other astronomical bodies and those interested in astronomy.
- To promote the interests of astronomy among mass people through help of internet and web.
- Further knowledge about astronomy in a “hand’s on” atmosphere.
- Discuss conventional ideas of astrophysics among members.
- To aid and encourage amateur astronomy in Bangladesh.
- To promote social intercourse between its members and those of other societies.
- To promote the education of students and members of the general public in the subject of astronomy.
- To publish and circulate current information as may be desirable.
- To construct or make available, purchase, sell, let on hire, equipment or literature where possible and appropriate.
- To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objectives.
- These objectives are to be achieved by holding open meetings, exhibitions of astronomical interests, presentations to students and members of the general public when requested, and observation sessions.
Article 4: Not-For-Profit
No member of the society may receive any income of the society(except for repayment of reasonable expenses duly authorized by the board of directors and properly incurred on behalf of the society), and the activities of the society shall be carried on without a view to profit.
Article 5: Membership
Membership of the society is open to all who are interested in astronomy.
The society will operate with the following forms of membership:
(i) Full – 18 years of age and over.
(ii) Senior – over 65 years of age.
(iii) Junior – under 18 years of age.
Junior members under 16 years of age require parental consent to take part in observation activities and outings.
Article 6: Management of the Society
The management of the Society shall be entrusted to a Management Committee hereafter known as the Committee.
Article 7: Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following:
Vice president
General Secretary
Web Administrator
Forum Administrator and
Public Relations Officer
All current members shall be eligible to be candidates for office. Committees may be formed (consisting of officers and/or other members) for specific purposes, including, but not limited to, planning individual events, trips, or parties.
Article 8: Duties of Officers
The president shall preside at all business meetings. He/she shall be chairman of the executive board. He shall perform all other duties normally required by the office of president.
The vice president shall preside in the absence or inability of the president to preside. He/she may be assigned additional duties.
The secretary shall maintain the membership list and club records and aid in preparation of any formal documents. The Secretary will convene meetings of the Society and record minutes of all such meetings. The Secretary will attend to all correspondence of the Society, including booking visiting speakers, and circulate any relevant material to all members.
The Treasurer will keep all funds of the Society in an account at such a Bank as may be decided by the Committee. The Treasurer will receive all monies payable to the Society and produce accounts regarding the Society’s financial standing for the Annual General Meeting.
The Web administrator providing continuous design and informational updates and additions to the SAAB website.
The Forum administrator review and moderate all user-generated content and user profiles (either pre-, post- or reactive moderation) within forums, comments, images, videos and audio, liaising with the Legal and Community team where required. Manage the banned user process, and track and remove previously banned users. Maintain the Moderation Guidelines and ensure they are up to date
The Publicity Officer will be responsible for all matters relating to the Press and media and for publicising the Society and its functions. He/she will also be responsible for the production and circulation of any Society information sheet/magazine.
Article 9: Elections
Officers are elected by majority vote of members. If an officer is unable to perform his or her duties, a replacement may be elected by the same procedure.
Article 10: Meetings
The meeting calendar will be set in the first meeting. Before this date, email correspondence and publications will announce the first meeting.
Article 11: Equipment
All equipment, books, data, acquired by the society shall remain the property of Society for Amateur Astronomers of Bangladesh.
Article 12: Finance
The work of the organisation is financed through donations and the contributions of the members.
No dues are required for membership in the club.
Article 13: Amendments
This working copy of the constitution is amendable by agreement of the officers and adviser.