Welcome to the SAAB

Society for Amateur Astronomers of Bangladesh also known as SAAB, founded by Md. Abid Khan former founder and president of Avijit Astronomical Club. SAAB is a non-profitable organization, encourages and promotes the study of astronomy and related space sciences as a hobby for people of all ages. Our goals are to bring together people having a common interest in astronomy, promote public education, observe the night sky, advance knowledge by assisting amateur astronomers to contribute to scientific observation, and share knowledge of astronomy related topics among all SAAB members.

SAAB possesses the vision to use the power of internet in reaching among mass people and giving them experience of astronomy through web.

SAAB wants to use its website in telling people about the amazing never ending world of astronomy. And having this in mind it has put up a website which is enriched with possible all virtual tools to give people hands on experience on astronomy.

An enthusiast even don’t have to look into the real sky if he or she wants to know about the whereabouts of Jupiter’s moon or things as such because he or she will be able to have that real time knowledge just by looking into the website.

SAAB members meets periodically to share experiences, exchange information and learn about the fascinating and ever changing world of astronomy. Being a member of SAAB brings many benefits. It brings together people with similar interests in amateur astronomy. SAAB is open to anyone with an interest in astronomy and a desire to learn.